Happy Halloween everyone! It's the time of the year again where we honor our loved ones who passed away. It is also a day where we get to enjoy being whatever we want through costumes, makeup, and whatever our imagination takes us. When you think of Halloween, the first things that come to our minds are costumes, candies, chocolates, and tricks or treats for the lovely kids in their cute Halloween costumes. But have you tried making a platter of spooky cookies at home? Use your imagination and creativity and make your yummy Halloween cookies. This will surely be the center of attraction. It is unique and tasty. Here is a quick recipe of cookies perfect for Halloween you and your family will surely love. I will share with you the recipe for these delicious homemade cookies and the creepy designs, feel free to make your very own idea. You can make a pumpkin design, spider webs, tombstones, bats, skulls, coffins, black cats, vampire's teeth, ghosts, cookies with a lot of eyes, spooky fingers and a lot more. Let's begin with the ingredients. You will need the following.




2 folds of refrigerated sweet cookie dough (19-20oz each)

1 and 1/4 cup flour

And for decorations:

Royal Icing and Food Paste Coloring

Most common colors used are black, orange, gray, white, yellow, brown, green, red, and purple

You can also prepare some colorful sprinkles or colored sugars depending on the designs you like to achieve




  1. You will coat four baking sheets with butter or cooking spray.
  2. Preheat oven of 350°F Heat 
  3. Press the cookie dough with flour on a clean surface until it is even.
  4. You will need to divide the dough into quarters working with one piece at a time then sprinkle flour on the surface where you will work it and roll out the dough. 
  5. Cut out the dough to your desired shapes and sizes depending on the kind of spooky cookie you want to achieve. 
  6. Transfer your shaped cookie dough gently using a spatula and prepare the pan.
  7. Now is the time you start baking. Bake cookies for 10-12 minutes until they're golden around the edges. 
  8. Once done, place all the cookies to a coil rack and let it cool completely. 
  9. Prepare royal icing and split it into nine bowls. With the use of food paste coloring, color each part a different color depending on your desired design, leaving one white. 
  10. Save the bowls wrapped with plastic wrap to stop frosting from drying out while not in use. 
  11. Fondle half of each color into a small piping bag and the remaining half of each color with 1 tsp of water continuously it has the texture of somewhat whipped cream. 
  12. Spoon each reduced color into separate piping bags.
  13. Then use the more abundant icing to tube outlines of designs on cookies. Make the thinned icing to fill in outlined areas. 
  14. Leave cookies to dry for one hour.


Now is the time you will design your Halloween cookies. Use the thicker icing to pipe details on top of dry cookies. Sprinkle with colored sugars while still wet if desired. Have fun and Happy Halloween from your Kimi Cuisine Family!