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Kitchen Quick Tips -

  Looking at your greasy fingers after eating your favorite pizza and chicken for dinner and realized you are running out of liquid hand soaps, a real drag right? Soaps have evolved from bars to liquid and now foam, which is now popular in every washroom in your school, office, and malls even in some hospitals. Thanks to modern technology, soaps are now a noticeable commodity. Do you know that you are cutting down environmental waste by using Foam hand soaps? Yes! You heard it right. Foaming hand soap is derived from a diluted form of liquid soap that is...

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All About Ramen -

  Udon noodles are sometimes known as fat spaghetti. It is thick wheat noodles that are soft and chewy made by mixing flour with salted water, stretching, and cutting the dough into thin strips. There are a lot of stories on how udon was discovered. One of it says that it was discovered by a Rinzai monk who introduced flour milling from China to Japan. Floured crops were then made into noodles such as udon and pancakes. The locals loved it and then milling techniques were spread all around the globe. Another story states that it began during the Nara...

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All About Ramen -

      If you are looking for something nutritious to cool your body down in summer, well Cold Ramen or Hiyashi Chuka in Japanese is perfect for you! Some Japanese call summer as the "Cold Ramen Season". Why not slurp on some delicious cold ramen instead of spending your time in hot kitchen recipes when the heat starts to climb. Humid weather can bring our energy down. This attractive looking dish is the answer! Uniquely made with chilled ramen noodles topped with your favorite crunchy vegetables with ham, egg, and seaweed or any other toppings you like depending on...

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Kitchen Quick Tips -

  Do you know that there are more E.coli in a kitchen sink than your toilet? Our kitchen sinks are among the most used in our homes. We sometimes struggle with what that awful smell is in our kitchen. Little did we know, that smell might just be coming from your kitchen sink. We wash the dishes regularly, sweep the floor and wipe down the counters but usually forget the kitchen sink. We left it unclean for too long that is why it is the dirtiest.  Bacteria loves to live and grow fast in a wet and moist place. It...

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Kitchen Quick Tips -

    Most of us don't have much time to wash the dishes and not every homeowner is lucky enough to have a dishwasher.  We all know that microscopic bugs and bacteria actually favor the kitchen, most especially in your sponge! Making sure that you are using a clean sponge is very important. You need to check it regularly for replacement. Different kinds of bacteria are lurking in it. Scientific reports say it is about the same amount found in the average human stool sample. There are better ways to hand wash dishes like using plastic or silicone brush since...

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